Cotton Blog

Welcome everyone!!

It is time to talk about fabrics.

Let's talk about Cotton Fabrics.

Let's get started.
One of the best and most common type of fabrics in the industry is Cotton but How much do you know about this fabric.

What is Cotton?
Do you know some types of cotton fabrics?
What is a Cotton Spandex?

Plus, we will analyze some of the advantages and disadvantages.

Get ready. Set and here we go.

We all at least hear the name Cotton but what exactly is it? How it can be used?

so let's make a definition.

What is Cotton?
Cotton is a plant fiber. It is made of a carbohydrate called cellulose. Cellulose is a polymer made up of glucose, a type of sugar. Glucose is made in the leaves of the cotton plant, which are filled with bright green chloroplasts.

Cotton fibers are natural hollow fibers; they are soft, cool, known as breathable fibers and absorbent. Cotton fibers can hold water 24–27 times their own weight. They are strong, dye absorbent and can stand up against abrasion wear and high temperature. In one word, cotton is comfortable.

Since Cotton is fiber, it can be use in different ways percentages and combination so different types of fabrics can contain Cotton.

Here are some Types of Cotton Fabrics

Types of cotton
  • Cambric.
  • Canvas.
  • Corduroy.
  • Denim.
  • Flannel.
  • Gauze.

Just for mentioned some. Our shop offers Cotton Spandex.

So What is a Cotton Spandex Fabric?
This material is blended with the cotton fibers to create a cotton spandex fabric with an exceptionally high stretchability. Notably, this blend is manufactured with around 95% cotton and 5% Spandex.
This 95-5 blend is the most common standard in the industry. Others, combinations can be found as well.

So what can be done with Cotton Fabrics?
Cotton is broadly known for its versatility, performance and natural comfort so because of its strength and absorbency makes it an ideal fabric to make clothes and homewares, and industrial products like tarpaulins, tents, hotel sheets, army uniforms, and even astronauts' clothing choices when inside a space shuttle.

Is cotton healthy to wear?
It's hypoallergenic. Cotton is natural so unless you have a allergic reaction to this fabric. You do not have to worry.

Now, it's time to talk about some disadvantages of this fabric.

What is the disadvantage of cotton?
One of the most prominent disadvantage when compared to synthetic fabrics. It's that cotton tend to loose its color gradually with each wash. However, you can minimize the color loss by washing in cold water, instead of hot water. Another disadvantage of cotton fabrics is that they shrink in hot temperatures.

Finally, Why is polyester better than cotton?
Polyester is more durable than cotton, making it a better choice if you're often on the go. It's also waterproof, stain-resistant, breathable, wrinkle-resistant, and flame retardant.

Thank you for reading this entirely.

Please, make sure to visit our Cotton Fabrics Section. To see our Cotton Collection
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